Area: D.O. Terra Alta (Catalonia, Spain)
Grape varieties: 100% Red Grenache.
Graduation: 17,5º
Naturally sweet wine from dried out grapes in the vineyard.
We do a “pie de cuvée” in the vineyard, we harvest 50 kg of grapes, break them up and leave them in a stainless steel jar in the vineyard until the spontaneous fermentation starts.
When the “pie de cuvée” is fermenting tumultuously, we take it to the winery and start multiplying the native yeast until we have enough volume to start the fermentation for the whole volume which is kept at a low temperature.
Five days after the “pie the cuvée”, we harvest the grapes and bring them into the winery. We introduce them into a stainless steel vat and crush them, leaving the skins, juice and stems. When everything is crushed the “pie de cuvée” is added.
When the fermentation stops, the wine is pressed. The wine is left on fine lees for 4 months. To finish, it is filtered lightly before bottling, sediments may be formed.
Este vino es una reinterpretación de los “doble pasta” pero trabajando a baja temperatura, vendimiando en un punto óptimo de frescor priorizando la acidez y con un trabajo de pieles suave para conseguir un vino fresco y dinámico.
Color granate medio con una nariz atractiva dominada por la fruta roja. Fresa, frambuesa, cereza roja dulce, pétalos de rosa y pimienta blanca. Fruta dulce y suculenta domina en boca, de cuerpo y taninos ligeros, equilibrados con un 13,5% de alcohol. Fácil de beber, largada media, muy agradable.
Cata realizada por Frank Smulders MW (Master of Wine desde 1992).